Beloved Happenings - 2024
Advent Study
As our year drew to a close (and as our liturgical year began again), we gathered for an advent study of the book "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. This was a weighty book, but well worth the study. A lot of hard questions asked and opinions shared as to what the answers might be.
UNCC Garden
All summer long, members of our community joined the students at UNCC and community members from Sol Gratis to grow a garden where the children could both learn a little bit and have some tasty snacks. In October, we finished the garden up with our pumpkins and salsa making!
All Saint's Day
In November, we remembered our beloved family and friends who have gone before us into perfect union with God and each other. We lost a lot of people this year for such a small community, but I think that says something about the size of our hearts.
Pride Parade
In September, we joined our community is marching in the Pride Parade. We had a great turnout, both for our group and in the parade in general. After the parade, we had a booth at Pride Fest, where we got a chance to see and talk to many members of our community. We even made the local paper!
Communion Service Training
In May, we gathered for four weeks of Communion Service Training/Practice. The trainee's ended their four weeks of study by preparing all the parts of the Mass, and helping Rev. Eileen one Sunday. Several of us can now step in and do a communion service if needed to give Rev. Eileen a break.
Book Study
In June and July, we spent several weeks reading and discussing Falling Upward. Discussions were facilitated by various community members, but the true insight came from each of us. Stay tuned for the next book study.
At the end of July, we held another board meeting and began to look to the future as to our governing structure.
At the end of August and into September, we began our Pride Parade planning. New banners, more posters, and the beginnings of tie-dye t-shirts for our marchers.
Pot Luck & Board Meeting
We gathered together the first Wednesday of April to enjoy a meal together, talk over what we had done in the first three months of the year and make plans for the next few months. We had some wonderful BarBQ, and put together a plan for the rest of the spring and summer!
We took the rest of the Wednesday's in April off to recover from an event filled Lent and Holy Week, we will be ready to get back together on Wednesday nights in May.
Lenten Study - the Seventh Story Podcast
In March, we completed the second half of our Lenten Study, The Seventh Story Podcast. The stories we covered were The Victimization Stories, The Accumulation Stories, and The Seventh Story. You can find out more about the podcast at The Seventh Story Podcast
Holy Week
For Holy Week, we were busy! We held a foot washing service on Holy Thursday, a Stations of the Cross service on Good Friday, and then we had Easter Services on Easter Sunday.
Lenten Study - The Seventh Story Podcast
In February, we started our Lenten Study, The Seventh Story Podcast. The stories we covered were The Domination Stories, The Revolution Stories, The Purification Stories, and The Isolation Story. We examined how we see these stories in our lives and ways we can interact differently.
You can find out more about the podcast at The Seventh Story Podcast
New Additions to our Media Presence
In February, we added Zoom access to our Masses for those who were either traveling or unable to make it in person. Along with our Zoom masses, came recordings of Rev. Eileen's homilies, which can now be found at our YouTube page
Pot luck and Craft Night
We gathered the First Wednesday in January for a craft night. We made hand made cards for sending to people as needed as well as making up name tags for those of us with name issues :)
Visit from the Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center
We gathered with representatives from the Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center to hear about their gathering space for at need kids after school and during the summer.
We gathered together after our visit from the UNCC to make some plans as to how we can be a positive influence in our new community. We have decided to volunteer once a week at UNCC, donate to their "closet" things that the kids might need (school supplies, clothes, and food), help them get their garden up and growing in the spring as well as set up our own garden at the Mary Magdalene Center.